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9 things we know about season three of Orange Is The New Black


YESTERDAY, A NEW trailer was released for Netflix series Orange Is The New Black.

Quick, watch it, get up to speed. Get excited.

Source: Netflix/YouTube

So what do we know about season three of the hit show?

1. You’ll have to wait until June 12

Hey, it’s not that far away. No, seriously.

2. There will be 14 episodes

The first of which, is called It’s the Great Blumpkin, Charlie Brown. In fact, here’s the full list. Some gems in there, we’re looking at you, episode eight.

aeps Source: Wikipedia

3. There will be a new love interest for Piper

Model and actress Ruby Rose is set to star as Stella Carlin, who is a new inmate at Litchfield. The Australian is set to be a ‘lust object’ of both Piper and Alex, according to an interview with Elle magazine. That’s her on the top right.

Uh oh! Source: rubyrose

4. Larry won’t appear

Thank God for that. Jason Biggs’ has said that it won’t be the last we see of Larry, though.

tumblr_inline_ndcqquZ4VG1rdkzjr Source: Tumblr

5. Alex is back in Litchfield with Piper

…and will probably get ‘back together’ with her at some stage, if the episode titled The Great Hate Fuck is anything to go by. Laura Prepon also hinted about it, telling the Huffington Post:

Season 3, oh man. We’re on episode three and it is, like, so good. We have a big scene coming up on Monday and it’s going to be great. We’re both so comfortable.

Mark your calendars. #OITNB via @lauraprepon Source: oitnb

6. Pornstache won’t be around as much

He’ll be in prison.

tumblr_n6ufi1vmZD1rk8a9ko2_250 Source: Tumblr

His mum, played by Back to the Future II’s Mary Steenburgen is said to cause trouble for Daya and Bennett, as Daya will most likely give birth this season.

Source: oitnb

7. Maritza, Janae and Brook are also all set to return for at least one episode

Wrappin' up #season3 today with these lovely ladies!!!! @oitnb @realleadelaria @vickyjeudy Source: ohlittleasianone

8. We’ll see more of Big Boo and Poussey’s past

Kid actress Jade Tuck has been cast to play Little Poussey, while Kevin Carolan has been cast as Boo’s dad, which is more than a big hint we’ll be exploring their pasts.


9. The writers say things will get brighter

Lauren Morelli has said they will bring some of the fun back to the show after last season’s dark topics, while Jenji Kohan said it will focus on faith.

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Republic of Telly’s ‘Ginger Is The New Black’ sketch is really rather good>

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