POOR LEONARDO DICAPRIO. Many thought it was his year after Wolf of Wall Street, but he just can’t seem to get that coveted Oscar.
Of course,t he internet doesn’t let him forget about it, and now the Oscar winners have begun rubbing it in.
It all started when Imgur user Supposedtobefunny123 posted a photoshopped photo of Leo in the Wolf of Wall Street, but changed co-star Margot Robbie into the shiny gold statue.
In an attempt to one-up the photoshop, along comes somebody with an Oscar, or access to one, called iHasanOscar, posting this in response.
Imgurians immediately demanded to know who the mystery Oscar owner was, but they refused to reveal themselves, claiming they’re ‘shy’ but the Oscar is definitely real.
Poor Leo. Maybe next year.
ht Metro