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The 24 most memorable moments from Oscars 2014

Ellen ordered pizza. She really did.

WELL, WE HAD to have a little sit down after all to happenings on the Oscars red carpet, from Fassbender’s Irish mammy, to J-Law falling and Lupita’s radiance.

Oh, and Fassbender hugging people. We can’t.



And of course there was this:


But what about the main event?

We’ve captured some of the very best moments, from pizzas to selfies to a winning jump.

1. Ellen’s quick-as-anything J-Law joke

So, we’re sure by now you know this happened:


And Ellen was right on the ball, ready to pick up on J-Law going in her ear once again.





2. Ellen’s 12 Years a Slave joke

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3. Ellen’s whole opening speech

Look at all of those celebs sitting so close together, LOLing away.

Source: Oscars 2014

4. The selfie

This was Ellen’s first selfie of the night. Little did we know there were much, much greater things to come.


ellenma Source: @TheEllenShow

She used a Samsung by the way. Ka-ching.


5. Lupita dancing with Pharrell

Lupita is very close to stealing J-Law’s ‘luminous’ crown. Fierce close.

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Psst did we mention that J-Law snotted herself on the red carpet?

Just in case you missed it:


6. Meryl dancing with Pharrell

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7. Jared Leto’s lovely speech and his ridey mam

Who would have guessed that Jordan Catalano would go on from all his leaning and brooding and win a bloody Oscar?

He brought his mam and his brother and made our eyes leak with this lovely acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actor.

Source: Allinone

Lest we forget:


And look how much of a ride his mam is. Bravo Mrs Leto.


8. The winners of the Animated Short being as cute as anything

When the French makers Mr Hublot came to the stage to college their award writer/producer/director Laurent Witz fumbled for his speech and said:

I have to take a paper.

And our hearts, dear readers, melted.

The 86th Academy Awards - Press Room - Los Angeles Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

9. Bradley Cooper in a Suki Waterhouse/J-Law sandwich

Bradley Cooper is going out with 22-year-old model and actress Suki Waterhouse. But in everyone’s hearts he’s going out with Jennifer Lawrence.


10. Kevin Spacey doing the accent from House of Cards


11. When Ellen did this

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12. Lupita’s acceptance speech

Source: Allinone

13. The greatest selfie of all time.

Even Ange got involved.

Within about 15 minutes it had become the most retweeted image of all time, overtaking the Obamas’4 more years tweet.

At last count it had more than 2 million retweets.



14. Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s blue socks

Look how much of a gent he is. You could bring him home to your mammy and leave him peeling spuds with her and know he’d do you proud.

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15. When Ellen ordered pizza for everyone

“Leo, you want a slice? Marty, you hungry? Julia? Meryl?”.

Who's hungry @theellenshow #oscars Source: theacademy


Source: Oscars Awards

Anyone notice Kevin Space schnaking away with a full pizza? Chancer!

16. Brad Pitt eating the pizza

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17. Ellen using Pharrell’s hat to collect a tip for the pizza boy


Source: Mike Billig

18. Bill Murray paying tribute to Harold Ramis

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Murray threw in a little tribute to his late friend when he was reading out the nominations for Cinematography.

Oh and we forgot one: Harold Ramis for Caddyshack, Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day.

GHOSTBUSTERS Source: AP/Press Association Images

19. When Liza Minnelli tried to get into Ellen’s selfie

And now we’re weeping.


20. Pink’s amazing Wizard of Oz tribute

Source: Oscar Awards 2014

21. The heartbreaking moment when Leonardo Di Caprio once again didn’t win an Oscar

McConnaughey took it home.


And Leo was forced to congratulate him

PA-19178902 Source: AP/Press Association Images


22. The whole cast of 12 Years a Slave bailing onto the stage

The 86th Academy Awards - Show - Los Angeles Source: AP/Press Association Images


23. This man’s beard


24. Steve McQueen’s winning jump


J-Law’s fall and Fassbender’s ma: The Oscars 2014 Red Carpet as it happened>

Pictures of celebrities helping themselves to the pizza Ellen ordered>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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