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Outkast's 20 year anniversary set cut short at Coachella

I’m sorry Ms Outkast…

2014 Coachella Music And Arts Festival - Weekend 1 - Day 1 Source: AP/Press Association Images

A FEW HOURS ago hip hop duo Outkast made their live return to the stage after an extended hiatus at the Coachella music festival in California.

The pair had just finished their hit song Hey Ya at around 1am when the plug was pulled on their set.

Confused, Big Boi and Andre 3000 asked “that’s it?… they’re saying we can’t do no more”.

After bringing rapper Killer Mike out on stage to attempt to perform their finale song The Whole Worlds, the music was cut one more time, leaving the trio to exit the stage in confusion, and the sounds of boos from the crowd.

Before he left Andre 3000 thanked the crowd:

I really appreciate you all coming out. I know it’s kinda weird. Twenty years later and sh*t, but thank you all for coming out.

out Source: YouTube/DailyEdge.ie

Reports from the show indicate that the band had been running over time, cutting some earlier songs short.

Reviews of the reunion set have been mixed, with reports of a lacklustre crowd and an anticlimactic atmosphere. 

You can watch the full performance here, with the disappointing end at the 1 hour 30 min mark.

Source: buriedvoid/YouTube

The band are signed up to play at Stradbally’s Electric Picnic this September. Let’s not cut them short, eh?

Outkast, Beck and Portishead to headline Electric Picnic 2014> 

9 people who shouldn’t be allowed to go to Electric Picnic>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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