IT’S THE MOST, wonderful tiiiiiime, of the yeaaaaar.
Yes, Pancake Tuesday. The day we can eat as much beige batter as we please, and no one can judge. Just prepare ahead for the rollercoaster of emotions.
1. Anticipation
Unless you’re lucky enough to have a Pancake breakfast or lunch, chances are you’ll be sitting in work or college all day just dreaming of that pile of fluffy deliciousness.
2. Frustration
IS IT NOT FIVE O’CLOCK YET? Keep refreshing those Instagram pancake posts, that’ll help.
3. Elation
Get home. NAIL that perfect flip.
Butter those circles of golden deliciousness.
4. Pure bliss
You did it. Check out that stack.
5. Indecision
What should you put on it? Maple syrup? Nutella? Bananas? The classic lemon, sugar and butter? Jesus Christ, you didn’t sign up for this responsibility.
6. Apprehension
Should you really have that sixth one? Should you even bother with dinner now?
7. Stress
Oh you’ve had it. Oh well.
8. Soul-crushing guilt
Or maybe that’s just the weight of the pancake pushing against it.
9. Contentment
We all know that Pancake Tuesday calories don’t count. Nurse that food baby with pride.