THE ZOOKEEPERS AT Tokyo Zoo were delighted on Monday night when pandas Shin Shin and Ri Ri started looking a little amorous.
They did the right thing, and moved them to a private enclosure and then sat back and watched the magic happen.
They watched the magic happen with a video camera, and then excitedly posted the video to their website which was then picked up by several news networks.
Why are they so excited by the footage? Well, pandas don’t reproduce very often, so any time there’s baby making people get excited.
Shin Shin and Ri Ri have already produced a cub, but it died of pneumonia a week later. At the time, the death was deemed so newsworthy that regular television programming in Japan was stopped to cover the incident.
We’ll watch and wait with bated breath. Shin Shin and Ri Ri, we’re all rooting for you, for the sake of pandas everywhere…and because we’d love to see more baby pandas going down slides and learning to walk.
YouTube/Chengdu PAW