ADRIAN KNIGHT IS a self-described “comedy hypnotist” who has brought his unique brand of “hilarious hypnotism”.
Knight is scheduled to perform in Dunamaise Arts Centre, Portlaoise, this weekend and as such, there are numerous posters for the show hanging around the town.
But there’s something off in one of the posters, as this Irish Twitter user realized.
Is that… is that… Hayley Williams from Paramore?
It certainly looks like it.
As if that wasn’t all mad enough, Hayley Williams herself weighed in on the poster (!) and made very clear that she’s not a fan.
Fans were unimpressed.
And one posited this unlikely theory.
And this Dublin-based Paramore fan account informed Williams that Portaloisewas “the butthole of Ireland”.
Ah lads.
Williams has since moved on, but unfortunately there are still people operating under the assumption that Hayley Williams is going to be in Laois this weekend…
Poor things.