BEING LEFT AT home alone for a weekend when you were a teenager felt like the best thing in the world.
You were home, alone! With no parents! For the whole weekend! You could do whatever you wanted (within reason), and boy did you exercise that ability.
We’re not talking Project X here, just your bog standard acts of tiny rebellion.
Here are eight behaviours you definitely engaged in if your parents went away for a few days.
Casually leaving all the lights on
With no one around to shout ‘DO YOU THINK I’M MADE OF MONEY?’ you were free to experience light throughout the evening as you moved from room to room.
Going out? Sure you might as well leave a light on to welcome you home! Going to sleep? Well you’ll need to leave a light on downstairs so people know there’s someone home. In the house? ALL the lights should be on!
Not bothering to close the curtains
Eugh, why bother? You would only have to open them again in the morning!
Leaving the immersion on for the whole weekend
How could you possibly be expected to know when you might want to shower?
What if you suddenly decided to go out, or simply wanted to take a bath on a whim? Best to just leave it on.
Leaving dirty dishes all over the place
In your face mam and dad! I’m not doing my dishes straight away and there is nothing you can do about it!
This, of course, really only punished yourself. You were forced to hang around a filthy house all weekend and then had a mountain of dishes to do ahead of their return. But still! You were taking a stand!
Sleeping in their bed
Looking back, it’s difficult to figure out exactly what this was about. Why would you sleep in someone else’s bed when you can sleep in your own?
Presumably, yours was a single and theirs was a double. Greedy gits.
Having mates over and acting like the big lad/lady
OUTWARDLY: Do whatever you want guys, I’m a cool person. I’m so cool I don’t care about my parents.
INWARDLY: If those glasses leave rings on that table I am so dead.
Drinking things you weren’t supposed to
I’ll just add a little water to the bottle, they’ll never notice…. ah, sure they won’t notice a little more… another drop won’t hurt… OHMYGOD THE WHOLE BOTTLE IS WATER.
Missing them a bit
Ah, come on. You were happy when they got home, weren’t you?