WE’VE ALL BEEN there. You’re shifting someone and suddenly they go a little bit Robert Pattinson and start sucking your neck. Next thing you know, you’ve a hickey and suddenly it becomes Mission Impossible to hide it from your parents.
So what do you do? Do you wear a scarf and hope your folks don’t ask why you need a scarf in June? Do you slatter on the foundation and hope they don’t notice the definite change in tone? Or you can do what Kaitlyn Nolan did and record your parents reaction to it.
2 years ago I came home with a hickey and my parents reaction still gets me everytime pic.twitter.com/eowFpfeA4l
— Kaitlyn Nolan (@KaitlynNolanx) April 2, 2018
The video which according to Kaitlyn was actually filmed in 2016 has been viewed 1.5 million times on Twitter and has over 21,000 retweets and over 101,000 likes. Not bad for video about a girl from Kildare having a hickey. The video is worth watching just for the sheer horror of her parents alone.
Her dad looks like she’s just told him she’s killed a man. Her mother meanwhile is pretty direct with her response.
Why are you laughing? Your neck is f**king destroyed!
Speaking to DailyEdge.ie Kaitlyn said that she put the video up as a joke and didn’t expect the reaction that it got.
My dad is delighted with his new found fame but my Mam is less than impressed.
Unfortunately we do not get to see the offending hickey and Kaitlyn won’t be showing it to anyone anytime soon if her Twitter is to believed.
It’s gnna be a no from me x
— Kaitlyn Nolan (@KaitlynNolanx) April 2, 2018
Fair play to Kaitlyn though, if it were me I would have emigrated immediately. She’s tackling a few of the commenters who have failed to see the lighter side of this video too.
I guess disappointing your caring parents is funny https://t.co/mBBakNm9Hp
— Luis (@Wh0isLuis) April 2, 2018
You said it x https://t.co/orAwbFMSYK
— Kaitlyn Nolan (@KaitlynNolanx) April 2, 2018