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22 photos of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen guaranteed to make you smile

Old friends.

LAST WEEKEND, WE were blessed to have Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart on the Graham Norton couch.

And the pair, of course, gave us one of the best episodes of all time.

Graham Norton Show - London Source: Isabel Infantes

Theirs is the greatest of all the celebrity friendships.

And the evidence is out there:

Like when they visited Santa in New York

ianandpatsanta1 Source: SirPatStew

And did impressions of the Statue of Liberty

Source: @SirPatStew

Always larking about

Source: @SirPatStew

Like, it’s non-stop

Source: @SirPatStew

Remember that time Patrick spotted Ian reading on the street ahead of rehearsals

Ian found the best sign at the Women’s March in London earlier this year

mckellan Source: @IanMcKellen Twitter

The greatest meme achievement.

Here they are at their refined best

And tipping their hats to Manhattan

Source: @SirPatStew

Here they are pulling a Christmas cracker

“Why your oldest friends are the best ones” <3

And in their festive hats

Casually hanging out with Elmo – as all acting royalty should

Embracing on the red carpet

Hanging out with their flat caps on

The day out in New York with the bowler hats produced so many moments

Source: @SirPatStew

Source: @SirPatStew

Source: @SirPatStew

Source: @SirPatStew

Any time the camera comes on them it’s guaranteed gold

Celeb friendships are never this good

So any time they get together, we applaud

ian Source: PA

Of course, Ian was there for his friend’s wedding back in 2013

weddingday Source: John von Pamer

Legends <3

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About the author:

David Elkin

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