IN IRELAND, WE certainly have a way with words – so much so that our unique phrases are beloved across the land.
But sometimes a phrase can come across as *slightly* patronising – and fills you with a certain distinctive rage. So, brace yourself for these:
10. “Good man yourself”
Bonus points if it comes with an unnecessary slap on the back.
9. “Ah, you’re a big man now”
Accompanied with a nice elbow to the ribs. Even though you’re a fully grown adult, this will get thrown out to you when you’re back in the local all the time.
8. “You look great, I’d barely recognise you”
Ah, here.
7. “You’d best get your skates on”
Oh, really? You don’t have a more annoying way of saying I should hurry?
6. “There you are now!”
Please, no. It just implies that we’re really late or that you’re hardly enthused by our presence.
5. “You’re a grand girl”
Also to be included in this category “good girl yourself.”
Usually met with a deserved look of bemusement and annoyance by the unlucky recipient.
4. “I will yeah”
Everyone knows this means they won’t. Usually it’s in response to a simple enough request, and a straight no would be far less patronising.
3. “Ah sure you tried your best”
It’s the tone that gets you here. The sentiment is friendly but no, it still grates.
Every time.
2. “Sure listen, pet”
*rage intensifies*
1. “You scrub up well”
Which just leaves you wondering what you look like normally.
Still, there’s always the chance that they’re all being said to you ironically?
*clutches straws*