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What's the deal with all these 'Patronus' tweets? Here's everything you need to know

My Patronus is…

IF YOU’VE BEEN on Twitter this evening, you have probably read countless tweets beginning with the phrase, “My Patronus is…”

So, what in God’s name is a Patronus?

As Harry Potter enthusiasts will know, a Patronus is a charm that first made an appearance in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Per Harry Potter Wiki:

It is an immensely complicated and extremely difficult spell that evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus or spirit guardian. It is the primary protection against Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there is no other defences.

giphy (17) Source: accio-severussnape/Tumblr

Today the official Harry Potter website Pottermore launched a quiz which allows users to determine their patronus by answering a series of questions.

Users are encouraged to think of their happiest memory and quickly answer a series of multiple choice questions. (Sample questions include “Mind, Heart, Spirit?” and “Dream, Discover, Dance?”)

And then, hey presto, you find out your Patronus.

I did the quiz twice under two different profiles.

The first time I got Manx Cat, which I initially misread as ‘Manky Cat’.

manx Source: Pottermore

And the second time I got Chow Dog.

(I believe I’ve always been more of a chow dog at heart so I am choosing to actively ignore the manx cat result.)

chow Source: Pottermore

J.K. Rowling wrote the quiz and her patronus is a heron.

We’ve also seen people mention dolphins, greyhounds, stallions and more. But apparently there are  mythical creatures to be got as well…

As you’d expect, it’s turned into a bit of a Twitter meme…

And, yes, there have been Harambe jokes

It was inevitable, really.

Forcing JK Rowling to clarify that, no, there isn’t a Harambe Patronus.

Fancy finding out yours? Knock on over to Pottermore.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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