EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt – from the top to the very bottom.
Paul McCartney dances like a mad yoke. He was pulled on stage by Jamie Foxx at a charity benefit, and unleashed some frankly incredible high-kicking shapes.
Basically, it’s like your dad crossed with that drunk guy at a wedding who’s a total liability to everyone else on the dancefloor. Props to Paul McCartney. Here’s a GIF, but you can watch the full video here.
Gary Busey is so bonkers on Celebrity Big Brother that the other housemates have reportedly threatened to strike. The 70-year-old has almost started a fight by using a homophobic slur, among a series of other bust-ups.
Housemate Stephanie Pratt explained: “He’s like that person who’d boil people and eat them.” Which doesn’t really clarify things. But apparently the rest of them are “terrified” and considering walking out. (Mirror)
Robert Pattinson has improvised the ice bucket challenge without a bucket. And frankly it looks way, way more painful. Watch him struggling to maintain as his friends torment him with hurled ice cubes.
Also, two things: (a) he uploaded the video through Zac Efron’s YouTube account; and (b) he nominated Marilyn Manson, which we have 100 per cent respect for.
And the rest of the day’s dirt…
- Is Chris Brown’s girlfriend Karrueche Tran pregnant? (Mirror)
- LiLo and Tina Fey had an Mean Girls reunion on Instagram. (After Ellen)
- Amy Winehouse is getting a statue in Camden. (The Guardian)
- Jackie Chan says he’s ‘ashamed’ of his son’s drug arrest. (BBC)
- Zac Efron and Michelle Rodriguez have split up. Sad face. (Us Magazine)