Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

14 pictures that sum up being broke at the end of the month

We’re all in this together.

IT’S PAYDAY WEEK and you’re down to your last tenner. You can DO THIS.

Meanwhile, these photos will hit home.

1. You have to look at this menacing gauge during every commute

PLEASE make it to work, PLEASE.

2. This is your lunch for the next four days

Until Friday, when you will eat like a queen.

BvuO3SSCAAA0pln Source: hannahh05

3. Sometimes you attempt to be healthy…

4. But most of the time you just accept your scaldy fate

Bh0VY17IgAEYoee Source: StephanieBe

5. You open your

6. That dusty coin jar becomes your saviour

BAMQp4gCcAAzApV Source: DeirdreMoran6

To the McDonald’s Eurosaver!

7. The reduced section of Tesco is your prey

A64DWseCYAAEb9W Source: derekdeswebster

8. Though, you’ve tried to find another way

9. You just have to accept your fate

ChR7kHSWYAEDNAV Source: laurenXmckenna

10. It’s pot noodle again


11. Or ice soup

CgBERxLUAAAsLDS Source: thatssoracy

12. You’ll get there

alol Source: Pinterest

13. Well, eventually

14. Just don’t go making any midweek plans

CPIDfD0WEAEd7kh Source: spoonheadneve

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11 sad lunches that will make you feel better about your own>

11 images that will strike fear into the heart of any Irish person>

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