IT’S ALL ABOUT that peanut butter.
1. Peanut butter and banana roll ups
These will only take you 10 minutes to make, but you’ll still feel classier than eating it from the jar.
2. Chocolate peanut butter pancakes
These are gluten free AND vegan. Not forgetting, delicious. A healthy breakfast if there ever was one…
3. Peanut butter lava cake
Hooooomona. This is bordering on pornographic.
4. Reeses sundae
A quick one to whip up, once you manage to locate Reeses Pieces, they can be tricky. It’ll be worth it though. So worth it.
5. Peanut butter and chocolate milkshake
Get in my belly. Recipe here.
6. The ultimate peanut butter brownie sundae
Why settle for peanut butter? Why settle for brownies? Lash them both together and VIOLA.
7. Peanut butter cheesecake
Jesus, take the wheel. Recipe here, go on, be the most popular person in Ireland.
8. Brown butter cookies with peanut and caramel filling
Goo. Everywhere. What could be more delicious?
9. Peanut butter microwave mug cake
Holy moly. Nutty indulgence even for the laziest of us.
10. A simple peanut butter and jam on white bread
It just can’t be beaten.