PENNEYS’ UNDERWEAR SECTION is the wild west of underwear sections, often throwing up some special ‘treats’.
1. Apart from looking like a questionable fit, they also beg the question, WHY?
2. Celebrity Juice and its cast has no business being on your crotch
4. There’s an uneasy feeling that comes with displaying the names of cutesy Disney characters on your thong
5. Harry Styles says hi, every time you use the loo
6. Slytherin where?
6. Just because something is popular doesn’t mean you have to make it into some hipsters, Penneys
7. So much to register here
8. Ghosts do not belong there
9. * Gives up*
10. No likey these pants
11. Be reem without these pants, TOWIE fans
12. Imagine it. You meet a lovely guy, you hit it off, you take him home, and this is on your arse