1. This guy who took a notion to slide down the handrail, all cool like
2. This man who had his friend film him in slow motion, to better capture his moment of glory
3. This boyfriend whose digestive troubles became a criminal matter
4. This guy demonstrating his treadmill skills for friends and family
5. The man who once really, really liked Green Day
6. This woman
7. The dad who momentarily lost his mind over some lightly fried fish fillets
8. This kid who could NOT have known he would fall right there
9. This woman trying to make the best of things on Facebook
1o. This pole vaulter who forgot how to pole
11. The sender of this Facebook message
12. This man who just finished stacking the wine section
13. The owner of this extremely prestigious, glamorous, confidence-boosting limo
14. The person who just had this realisation
15. This guy who definitely did not expect to redefine wedgie technology
16. This chef
17. This guy falling over for nine full seconds
18. And this man on an escalator.
This post is heavily indebted to the work of Imgur user Redpantsarered