A SHEFFIELD STUDENT union club night on Twitter started a lot of trouble earlier this week, when they asked their followers how they’d prefer their toast to be sliced at the end of the night by staff. (Serious side note: How do we get Irish pubs to do this?)
It seemed like an innocent enough question, but people were seriously taken aback when they saw the third option in the survey.
People were immediately concerned about individuals who slice their toast ‘long ways’.
They didn’t mince their words.
In theory, it kind of makes more sense.
You get more surface area of bread without crust than you do when bread is sliced in the traditional horizontal rectangles.
Some people admitted they had never even considered cutting toast into horizontal rectangles – despite the fact that it’s probably the most common way of doing it.
If you’re doing it for the crustless surface area alone, triangles are the way forward. Number 2 and 3 are also more likely to leave you with a Chelsea smile of butter and crumbs. Triangles are virtually mess free.
A lot of people have also convinced themselves that diagonal slices taste better.