THE BEGINNING OF the Christmas season can be really upsetting for a lot of people, for lots of different reasons.
For one woman on Twitter, it was because of the memories she associates with her father and the men’s department of M&S at Christmas. It seemed that a lot of people who have lost a parent felt the same way – her post was retweeted 1,000 times and liked almost 9,000 times.
She said that another ‘deep red angora mix sweater with a ribbon around it’ would give her a breakdown, and other users rushed in to offer some support and share the random things that remind them of people that they’ve lost.
There were loads of heartbreaking responses to Rachael’s original post.
But then another user recognised her surname and something lovely happened.
The woman, named Sam, asked Rachael if her dad had been a teacher.
It turned out that Sam was one of Rachael’s father’s students and had some very fond memories of him.
Is somebody cutting up onions nearby?
J.K Rowling came across the thread and shared it to her 13.4 million followers.
Since then, the post has probably made around 28,000 people cry.