IT’S NATIONAL HUG Day. Disaster if you’re not fond of hugs.
1. Why do people even hug?
Oh hey, let me touch my body against yours.
2. You have failed to distinguish how long a hug should last for
Is it different with levels of familiarity or WHAT? Someone should make a chart.
3. You don’t mind being hugged by friends and or animals
Just not… everyone else.
4. Basically, don’t touch
5. Drunk hugs are the WORST
6. You have a thing against overly huggy people
7. You have a special level of hate for those who turn a handshake into a hug
8. You’re not tryna be mean, you just want everyone to avoid this pain
9. Asking ‘where is my hug?’ is the worst crime of all
10. Have to comfort someone? Nooooo