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18 people you always ended up sitting beside in secondary school

AKA The Worst People.

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1. One of the twins who were always referred to as ‘The Twins’. You were never sure which one it was

2. That one girl who was really into horses

3. A lad with a nickname like ‘Smurf’ (because his surname was Murphy)

4. A GAA player that regularly got to miss class for GAA reasons

5. The person who got 11 As in the Junior Cert and vibrated with anxiety throughout 5th and 6th Year

6. The girl who smoked and tried to cover up the stench of cigs with Impulse body spray

7. The boy who never. Stopped. Sniffing

8. The new kid with an exotic backstory (they moved from a ~different town~, oooo)

12/8/2015. Celebrating Leaving Certificate Results Source: Sam Boal/RollingNews.ie

9. The girl who coyly said she was ‘very happy’ with her Leaving Cert results but wouldn’t hand over the deets

10. The person who always forgot their book, meaning you’d have to forgo your personal space to share with them

11. Related: The sicko who borrowed your nice pen and never returned it

12. The lad who seriously overdid the Lynx Africa

13. That one girl who took her TY Mini Company EXTREMELY seriously

14. The goth/emo/grunger who spent every class inscribing band logos on to their school books

15. The popular guy whose lackeys crowded around your desks during breaks

16. The overenthusiastic girl whose hand was in the air for 90% of the lesson

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17. The kid who never ever missed a day and came in even when dying with a cold. Cheers bud

18. And the person who always asks for more paper during tests. F**k that person

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More: 17 photos that will give Irish people that ‘back to school’ feeling>

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