LAST NIGHT, PEPSI debuted a new ad campaign starring none other than Kendall Jenner. The ad depicts Kendall taking part in a protest and offering a can of Pepsi to a police officer.
No, really.
The ad opens with scores of people taking part in a protest.
It’s unclear what exactly they’re protesting. If you look closely, you can see that their signs say vague things like LOVE and Join The Conversation.
Are they protesting people who prefer not to participate in conversations and instead watch from the sidelines? Who knows.
Meanwhile, Kendall Jenner is modeling in a photo shoot.
Just another day in the life, you know yourself.
When she locks eyes with a protester!
“Come with me and join the conversation,” he seems to communicate with his eyes. “I like your hat!” she replies with hers.
Soon, she’s removing her oppressive blonde wig and taking to the streets.
“I’ve had enough of these people not joining the conversation!”
Then she does what any passionate member of a cause would do and grabs an ice-cold can of Pepsi to hand to a police officer.
With this simple gesture, Jenner single-handedly ends bigotry, police brutality and social injustice.
The cop smirks and THE END.
The ad has been roundly criticised for co-opting the protest movement commonly referred to as the Resistance in the name of selling, er, fizzy cola drinks.
The timing was also pretty damn terrible given yesterday marked the 49th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination.
In a statement, Pepsi said that the ad reflected people from “different walks of life coming together in a spirit of harmony”.
We think that’s an important message to convey.
Alright, lads.
Imagine Coca Cola’s face right now.
At least Kris is proud, though, right?