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What Percent Cold-hearted Bitch Are You?

We can tell you.


1. First of all, how does this photo make you feel?
Is he ok?

I hate dogs, sorry
I feel nothing
2. This little old man is sitting in a diner having dinner with a photo of his wife he lost
Imgur, Soulrose
Stop, I'm crying

He should learn to live with his loss
That's nice
3. Did you cry at the Notebook?
I haven't seen it

I shed a small tear
So much
4. Home to Vote was lovely, wasn't it?
Yes, it was amazing
I felt so proud to be Irish

The airport queues weren't lovely
I didn't even vote
5. What do you think of Michael D Higgins queuing at this ATM?
1DBeours, Twitter
SQUEAL! He is adorable.
He is just a man

Look at how tiny he is
Who cares, how is this news, slow news day, and so forth
6. Respond to this text from a guy you gave your number to last night
Hey, was alright, you? x
F*ck off.

Sorry, wrong number
Who dis? x
7. You're up for a big promotion, but Áine went for it too, what do you do?
May the best person for the job win
Find some dirt on her to sabotage her chances

Undermine her in front of our boss, subtly, but effectively
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You are 0% cold-hearted bitch!
You aren't a bit cold-hearted, in fact, you're positively lovely! Sound!
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You scored out of !
You are 40% cold-hearted bitch!
You're not cold-hearted at all, but you still have your moments.
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You scored out of !
You are 62% cold-hearted bitch!
You're only a cold-hearted bitch when absolutely necessary. They deserved it.
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You scored out of !
You are 84% cold-hearted bitch!
You're a bit of a cold-hearted bitch now, let's be honest. You have a nice streak but we rarely see it. But it this way, if you were a man you'd be described as ruthless.
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You scored out of !
You are 100% cold-hearted bitch!
You are the coldest of all cold-hearted bitches. You laugh in the face of emotion and leave nothing but destruction and hurt feelings in your path. WHO HURT YOU?
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You scored out of !
You are 91% cold-hearted bitch!
Catch a hold of yourself, you cold-hearted bitch. You think nothing of ruining lives and crushing hopes and dreams on a day to day basis. WHO HURT YOU?
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