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What Percent Lazy Bitch Are You?

If you can be arsed.

alaz Source: notyouraveragebeauty.blogspot.ie

1. What does your nightly skin routine look like?
Cleanse, tone, moisturise, maybe serum if I'm feeling fancy
A face wipe

Routine? lol
Washing my face with some water
2. Pick a pair of bottoms to lounge around the house in

River Island
3. How often do you wash your mop?
Every day
Every second day

About once a week
Less than once a week
4. Which screen best represents your alarm?
Funny meme.com
Funny meme.com
5. Honestly, have you ever shaved only the bit of your leg that would be on show?
Oh all the time
No, what's the point?

I don't shave
7. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Ana Cidad, Flickr

Depends on my schedule


Gaelic football
9. Your ideal weekend night is...
Clubbing, aka 'on a mad one'
The cinema and loads of junk food

Sitting in watching telly
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You are 91% lazy bitch
You're a MASSIVE lazy bitch, but not so much of a lazy bitch that you've ceased existing. You put minimal effort into everything you do, and going out for a breakfast roll is considered exercise to you.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You are 10% lazy bitch
You're not much of a lazy bitch at all. You are one of those people who checks in on top of the Sugar Loaf on a Bank Holiday Monday before going home and horsing into a 3-in-1 because you can't be arsed cooking. That's OK.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You are 62% lazy bitch
You're slightly more of a lazy bitch than you aren't a lazy bitch. You'll do something if you're REALLY pushed, but most of the time you'd rather sit on your arse watching Gogglebox. Goals.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You are 81% lazy bitch
You're such a lazy bitch you're almost at a standstill. You've yet to see the clock in the am on a Saturday and consider boiling the kettle too much labour for a cup of tea.
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You scored out of !
You are 100% lazy bitch
You're such a lazy bitch, it's actually shocking. C'mon, have some respect. You wear your hair in a bun day in day out and forget what it's like to eat something that hasn't come from the microwave. We bet you get taxis for five minute journeys too. Disgraceful.
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You scored out of !
You are 50% lazy bitch
You're a lazy bitch when you want to be, but can still cycle around the Wicklow mountains with the best of them. You've got the perfect balance, don't mess with it.
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