1.How does this make you feel?
Doesn't bother me
My eye is twitching
Where is this? I need to find it and fix it
It's mildly upsetting

2. What about this?
What ANIMAL is responsible for this?
I see no problem here
It's mildly irritating

3. Which one of these upsets you the most?
5. How do you feel about the person who did this?
There was no need really, was there?
I hope they fall into a fiery pit of hell

6. This is...

9. Does anything about this picture irritate you?

10. Could you live in a house where the walls did this?
Yes, but it would annoy me every day
Yes, no problem

You scored out of !
You're practically horizontal
Nothing phases you. Nothing.
You scored out of !
You need to chill out
You're hovering dangerously close to supreme control freak status. Breathe in, breathe out.
You scored out of !
You're a bit of a fusspot
You're not overly concerned about perfection, but you're not completely horizontal either.
You scored out of !
You're about to have a stroke
You need every single thing to be present and correct and in its rightful place. Sit down before you fall down.
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