1. Colm Tóibín
So much happening here: good party gossip, greasy fry-ups and an older gentleman losing the ability to tell the difference between certain politicians.
2. Julia Roberts
Celebrity Wikipedias: always there to remind you that celebs have better love lives than us.
3. Sven-Goran Eriksson
A glass of Sven, please.
4. B.o.B
Well, B.o.B. believes in a lot of things, doesn’t he?
5. Chris Martin
In which you discover that Chris Martin drinks vodka to punish himself. Alright, Chris.
6. Paolo Nutini
We’re sure Paolo’s Ma is delighted with that opening line there.
7. Martin King
Martin King: enthusiastic flyer of drones.
8. Jason Biggs
In which we’re reminded that Jason Biggs has a rubbish sense of humour.
9. Fabio
Three words: Fabio, goose, rollercoaster. An epic tale.
10. Derek Mooney
Derek Mooney: hero, apparently.
11. Warren Beatty
Imagine Wikipedia listing out all the people you rode like this!!!!!!
12. Helen Mirren
And finally, Helen Mirren <3′s being in the nip.