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Poll: Where do you stand on people looking through their partner's phone?

Are you guilty of it?

ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE SUGGESTS that people in relationships tend to fall into one of two camps; those who would, or indeed, have read their partner’s messages, and those who wouldn’t even consider it.

shutterstock_246869755 Source: Shutterstock/Antonio Guillem

There exists a school of thought that suggests if you’ve nothing to hide, then it shouldn’t bother you if your partner has a sly scroll through your phone every once in a while, and ostensibly this is true.

On the other hand, however, there’s much to be said for simply respecting a partner’s privacy, and what is, essentially, the digital version of a journal.

This is all well and good says you, but if trust has recently been broken in a relationship or one party feels cause to question the other’s honesty, then the desire to snoop is significantly heightened, for obvious reasons.

And in this case, the need to quell, or indeed confirm, suspicion or insecurity is often greater than the desire to respect a partner’s privacy, but at what point does it end?

In other words, there’s likely a much bigger issue at play if you feel the need to consistently look through your partner’s phone, or vice versa.

But as every relationship is different, we’re keen to hear from you. Do you look through your partner’s phone?

Poll Results:

Never!  (1671)
All the time for no reason, but they know. (238)
All the time for no reason, but secretly. (110)
All the time because I'm suspicious, but secretly. (95)
All the time because I'm suspicious, but they know. (36)


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About the author:

Niamh McClelland

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