1. Dublin and surrounding areas
So much kissing it’s actually worn off.
2. Cavan, Monaghan and elsewhere in Ulster
As in, “He was tippin’ into her in the pub last night.”
*plays romantic violin music*
3. South Leinster and teen discos across the country
“Will you meet me friend?”
Not like a business meeting.
4. Said with best effect in Cork
“Ah, she was maulin’ the face off him.”
5. Derry
“Will you go with my friend?” is the start of many a romantic love story.
6. Dublin
And not like the American version of “SCORE.”
7. Galway and anywhere true romance is present
8. Across Ireland, coast to coast
The classic.
9. Ulster and Cork
It can mean so much more. But it’s also a casual way of saying shift and that shouldn’t be lost.
10. Waterford and anywhere with a good quality nightclub
11. Anywhere overly enthusiastic shifting takes place
The fact that this can also mean getting torn to shreds by someone only adds to the appeal.