COMEDIAN PHYLLIS DILLER has died aged 95 in her Los Angeles home.
Diller, who was found by her son Perry, was considered a pioneering female comic – the template for Joan Rivers, Sarah Silverman and many others.
“We lost a comedy legend today,” Ellen DeGeneres tweeted. “Phyllis Diller was the queen of the one-liners. She was a pioneer.”
Here are four classic moments:
1. On the Ed Sullivan Show
Describing her husband, who she called Fang: “The last time there was a gleam in Fang’s eye, there was a short in his electric blanket.”
2. Playing a duet with Liberace
We’re guessing it was in his contract that he had to have the more fabulous outfit and the bigger piano.
3. Roasting Ronald Reagan
“He started out as an underweight, inexperienced, untalented dishwasher. Unfortunately, he never lived up to this early promise.”
4. Me and my bird legs
5. Being identified by Sammy Davis Jr
When Sammy Davis Jr picks you out blindfolded, you know you’ve made it.
- Additional reporting from AP