VISITORS TO DUBLIN Zoo are today getting their first glimpse of its two latest additions, two meerkat pups.
These delightful creates were actually born in July of this year to the family of four adult meerkats – a male and three females – but are now being put on show for the public.
Dublin Zoo said that throughout their period in the burrows during the early stages of the pups’ lives, their parents and aunts kept watch over the secret underground passages for any sign of nearby predators.
Eddie O’Brien, team leader at the zoo, said: “We are delighted with the arrival of the pups. It has been some time since meerkats were born at the Zoo so these are a welcome additions. We think the youngsters are female.”
“Both pups are doing very well. They are still feeding from their mother and recently they have also started eating solids. As carnivores they eat meat and insects.”
Now enough words, just enjoy the cuteness: