Dublin: 9 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

Home pizza-ordering button may be the best gadget ever

Never have to speak to another human being ever again.


Source: Imgur

But sometimes, the ordering process is just a bit much. You’ve got to find a menu, dig out the phone number, TALK to a human being.

… it’s too much.

Source: Reactiongifs

So what if you could order pizza BY JUST PRESSING A BUTTON IN YOUR HOUSE?

Source: Imgur

Meet the PiePal. It’s a button that sits on your table at home and orders pizza when you press it.

You just turn the knob to set the number of pizzas, and then press the centre of the device. It connects to Dominos’ online ordering system and does it all for you.

When the LED light flashes, your order is confirmed.

And in just a little while… TA-DA!

Sadly, PiePal is still in development at the moment. It’s being worked on by a company called iStrategy Labs in Washington DC.

You can sign up to be a beta tester at the PiePal website. But we’re guessing you probably have to live in the US. Soz.

Here’s the full video. We can dream.

Source: iStrategyLabs

h/t PSFK

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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