PIERS MORGAN IS a pretty big deal on Twitter.
He has 6.25 million followers and gets into highly entertaining/infuriating spats with people on a daily basis.
When you give it out like he does, you have to be prepared to be the centre of a joke from time to time.
And so it was last night when he had this message for some thieves who stole his son’s bag
Yes, he went full Liam Neeson from Taken – and every single person on Twitter picked up on it
They’re really not putting much thought into these sequels
Or is it a parody?
There was only one GIF that summed up Morgan’s rage
What skills are we talking about here? Oh
It appeared a *bit* delusional to be tweeting out promises like this given his complete lack of experience in catching criminals
They’re probably not quaking in their boots
There were meme responses
Don’t mess with Piers.
And he even got his own Taken poster
Piers’s son would only be delighted if Liam Neeson called up and offered his services
As it is, the internet is waiting to see if Morgan follows up on the threat/promise in the coming days.