HAVE YOU BEEN keeping up with Kanye West?
If the answer to that is a resounding ‘no’, you’re probably better off. Allow me to get you up to speed anyway, though.
The rapper recently met up with new bezzie mate President Donald Trump to discuss sentencing reform. What actually went down was nothing short of a spectacle, as he criticised Hilary Clinton’s campaign (let it go, please) and demanded that manufacturing be brought back to America (despite his own Yeezys being manufactured in China. Awks).
Pink hasn’t had much to say on the matter in recent days (she’s very busy touring, in fairness). However, she did share this now-apt tweet back in 2009.
Kanye west is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote me.”
The tweet was in response to Kanye’s now infamous VMAs stage invasion in which he told Taylor Swift that Beyoncé should have won Best Female Video over her.
I mean, a bit harsh, given that his behaviour may or may not be down to him being off his meds. However, Kanye has some level of personal authority. Can he just … Give it a rest?