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Why having a pint of milk with dinner is a beautiful thing

Naysayers, be gone.

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DRINKING A BIG glass of cold milk with dinner is a tradition for many Irish people around the country.

Why? Because it’s delish.

But the practice is often cynically frowned upon by those that make up the anti-milk camp. Those that see milk only as an addition to cereal and tea – and not fit for consumption by itself – and deem it “basic” in the extreme.

For anyone who enjoys a frosty milk of an evening, this is complete nonsense of course

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A discussion on Reddit Ireland broke out on this important topic yesterday, and the reaction to drinking milk by itself was mixed. Some loved it (obviously) but the poster of the question found this to not be the norm:

my informal polling of friends and colleagues showed about 2 in favour, and 7 or 8 who found the idea of having milk in anything other than tea or cereal to be offputting/unpleasant/disgusting.

Surely not? Has this country’s obsession with tea impinged on its traditional love of a glass of milk?

It’s a practice usually associated with lads

But that’s a grievous stereotype on the milk drinking community

As it’s loved the country over as a fine accompaniment to a sumptuous evening meal

But it leads to an obvious question:

Why do so many people drink it at home, but you wouldn’t be seen dead with it in a restaurant (or anywhere in public)? What has milk done to offend the masses? Perhaps it has such an association with children now that it has killed off the glass of milk as a legitimate drink for adults outside the home.

But there is a clatter of people out there for which a pint of milk is an essential drink, let’s make no mistake

It goes with any food type too

And it needs to be celebrated, not hated

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The pint of milk is the ultimate comfort blanket

And you’ll only miss it when you’re gone

So next time you have a big glass of milk cherish it. And think of the haters who want it shunned from the dinner table – it will make it taste all the sweeter.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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