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13 reasons pizza is the world's most perfect food

You will salivate. A lot.
May 23rd 2013, 2:11 PM 9,542 5


There’s no fighting it.

Here’s why.

No plates or cutlery are necessary

Barack Obama can do the single ladies dance on it

See also:

The stretchy, stretchy cheese

It’s versatile


You can put ANY TOPPING YOU WANT on it

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It comes in loads of sizes

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You never outgrow it

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Old people versus the giant pizza!

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It looks like this when it's cooking

It will literally dry your tears when you're sad

You can save someone's life with it


Single?  No problem, have a relationship with pizza!

And finally, because of this

Just popping off to clean the drool out of my keyboard.  Back in a minute.

Hands up who wants a King Joffrey pizza>

Want to smell like Pizza Hut? What about Supermacs or Zaytoon?>

Pizza Hut’s latest offering – cream cheese cone crust>

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Louise McSharry


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