TODAY, ENGLAND is introducing a 5p charge on plastic bags in supermarkets.
Broadly speaking, it’s the same measure that Ireland introduced smoothly in 2002 and has had ever since.
Are English people freaking out about it? They are a bit. Wait, no, a LOT.
Yep, that’s right. Chaos. CHAOS.
Carole Middleton’s face sums it all up.
Among the population, there is widespread anger.
And some individuals are planning violent retaliation.
Luckily, the good people of Twitter are there to keep things in perspective.
Incredible scenes are being reported.
And people are sharing eyewitness shots of the dramatic showdowns around supermarkets.
So here, for the people of Britain, is a message from the population of Ireland explaining life after the plastic bag levy.
Dear England,The plastic bag charge is grand.
Admittedly it can be mildly annoying, like when you mean to bring your own bag and forget and have to pay. Or when you realise you need a bag after the checkout and haven’t got any change.
But fundamentally, it’s grand. Not a bother on us.
Yours sincerely,