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6 people who've had plastic surgery to look like celebrities

Stop the world, we’re getting off for good this time.

TOBY SHELTON SHOCKED a lot of people this week by revealing that he dropped around €72,800 on plastic surgery in an effort to look like Justin Bieber.

According to the Daily Mail, the 33-year-old from LA spent five years completing his transformation, undergoing multiple plastic surgeries, botox, hair transplants, Aquamid injections and a ‘smile surgery’. Since you asked, that involves getting a permanent turn in his lips and corners of his mouth to give a youthful ‘permasmile’.

bieber2 Source: YouTube/InformOverload

Seriously, what’s wrong with a mask? Much cheaper and more effective.

Here are 5 others who wanted to look like their sleb idols so much, they put their money where their mouth is–literally.

1. Superman

We wonder who Herbert Chavez’s favourite Superman was? It’s irrelevant really, as he modelled himself off the original animation.

herbert Source: YouTube/GMA News

No no, this is an actual man.

The Superman Superfan from the Philippines has had 19 surgeries to look like his ultimate icon. They include abdominal implants, nose jobs, skin whitening, jaw realignment. However, Chavez hasn’t paid a penny, instead, striking up a smart deal with his plastic surgeon to promote his work.

Here he is before the transformation:

herbertchavezbefore Source: YouTube/GMA News

2. Ryan Gosling

We all like a bit of Ryan Gosling, but there’s a clear line. This guy, Nicholas Ryan, has crossed that line. The line is a dot to him. He’s spent €3,630 on botox and fillers to look more like the smouldering star, but he needn’t have bothered really.

ryangoslings Source: YouTube/Dish Nation

The wannabe actor says he’s getting more acting gigs out of it, so once he’s happy.

3. Jessica Alba

21-year-old Xiaoqing got surgery to look like Jessica Alba after her Alba-obsessed boyfriend dumped her. In an effort to win him back, Xiaoqing underwent multiple procedures on her eyes and nose and yet again, managed to skive free surgery in exchange for publicity.

Something’s not right here.

xjessalba Source: YouTube/Young Turks

4. Brad Pitt

Remember MTV’s ‘I Want a Famous Face’? These twins, Matt and Mike wanted to look like Brad Pitt so they spent around €17,600 between them to undergo a nose job, chin implant, cheek implants and veneers.

twinsbradpitt Source: MTV.com

The results… well, their hair is close.

DSC00161 Source: Wikispaces

5. Lindsay Lohan

This is perhaps the grimest of all, considering that the wannabe Lohan is actually her half-sister. Ashley Horn, who shares a father with the actress, spent about €18,200 to look like Lohan.

lohanandsis Source: YouTube/1OneMinuteNews

A nose job, a few injections, and volia–you too can look like your sibling.

beforeashley Source: YouTube/1OneMinuteNews

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