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Can You Tell The Famous Poem By The First Line?

Do you know your Heaneys from your Hopkins?


poetrymain Source: Gill and Macmillan

1. When night stirred at sea and the fire brought a crowd in...
The Planter's Daughter - Austin Clark
To An Athlete Dying Young - AE Housman

The Anniversary - John Donne
2. Unlucky the hero born in this province of the stuck record...
Poem 172 - Emily Dickenson
The Times are Tidy - Sylvia Plath

Child - Sylvia Plath
3. Yesterday, I knew no lullaby
Annabel Lee - Edgar Allen Poe
Child Of Our Time - Eavan Boland

The Shampoo - Elizabeth Bishop
4. Thou still unravished bride of quietness...
Ode On A Grecian Urn - John Keats
The Waste Land - TS Eliot

The Alligator Girls - W S Graham
5. I sat all morning in the college sick bay...
Mid Term Break - Seamus Heaney
The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock - T S Eliot

Death Be Not Proud - John Donne
6. The eye can hardly pick them out from the cold shade they shelter in...
Still I Rise - Maya Angelou
Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley

At Grass - Philip Larkin
7. We have tested and tasted too much lover...
Advent - Patrick Kavanagh
Batter my heart, three person'd God - John Donne

Ode to a Nightingale - John Keats
8. Even now there are places where a thought might grow...
The Pomegranate - Eavan Boland
The Tollund Man In Springtime - Seamus Heaney

A Disused Shed in Co Wexford - Derek Mahon
9. My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun...
Sonnet 130 - Shakespeare
Felix Randall - Gerard Manley Hopkins

For Rita With Love - Pat Ingoldsby
10. I will arise and go now...
Digging - Seamus Heaney
The Lake Isle of Innisfree - William Butler Yeats

The Uncle Speaks in the Drawing Room - Adrienne Rich
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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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