OVER THE WEEKEND, as Pokémon Go continued its upward trajectory into legitimate cultural phenomenon, the above sign went mega viral online.
It seemed like one man definitely wasn’t a fan of the game – and called it “by far the stupidest thing I have ever seen.”
Irish comedian Joe Heenan saw the sign, and put up his own on in his garden in response
Taking a much more upbeat tone and railing against the kneejerk cynicism about the game, Joe’s sign started out well:
This is a private garden but if you see a Pokémon in here, come and get it.
Enjoy life.
And it got better from there:
This whole Pokémon hunt is by far one of the best things I have ever seen. Don’t let: bitter killjoys, people with no imagination, folk that hate fun, members of the Conservative Party, angry dads, Donald Trump tell you otherwise.
This is awesome! Now go and catch as many f**king Pokémon as you can
He posted it on Twitter this morning, and it’s hit nearly 1000 retweets already
Well played
Haters gonna hate.