Dublin: 8 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Police officer fired after nasty altercation with squirrel

It’s not every day you write that sentence.

Image: DonJinTX

A POLICE OFFICER in Tennessee has lost his job after a nasty altercation with a squirrel.

The man in question, Jody Putnam, was called to a local shop about two weeks ago to help staff when the aforementioned squirrel got into the building.  According to News Channel 11, which covers the area, Putnam then opened fire with his gun in an attempt to get rid of it.

That didn’t work, so then he began to spray the squirrel with mace and pepper spray.  Unfortunately, the spray also affected customers and staff in the shop, who immediately ran outside.

One would think firing a gun and using pepper spray and mace in a shop to fight off a squirrel is somewhat disproportionate force, and Putnam refused to make an official report on the matter.  As a result, his employment was terminated.

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