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Embarrassed politician accidentally tweets porn link

Morto for Rob Wilson, UK Conservative MP.
Apr 4th 2013, 10:01 AM 25,196 24

IT’S TOUGH BEING a politician on Twitter. First, you’ve got the legions of haters to contend with.

And then there’s always the risk of accidentally tweeting a link to a porn site.

Which is exactly what happened to UK Conservative MP Rob Wilson yesterday, when he tried to post an innocuous tweet about a piece on political blog Guido Fawkes:

The only thing was, the link was actually to an ‘adult’ site called (NSFW), which features photos of bikini-clad women and links to more hardcore porn:

Wilson deleted his tweet after 14 minutes, according to, which logs politicians’ deleted tweets.

But the mystery deepens – it seems the link wasn’t due to any extracurricular browsing on Reading East MP Wilson’s part, but was in fact sent to him by Conservative Party headquarters, which suggests messages for MPs to tweet.

A party source told the Daily Mail: “Rob Wilson expressed an interest in a story and he was sent a link. It appears there was a technical glitch and we’re looking into it.”

It seems there was a single digit missing on the shortlink Wilson used. The moral of the story is this: click before you tweet.

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Michael Freeman


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