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Here are the most searched for porn categories among porn users aged 18-34

According to Pornhub.

PORNHUB, ONE OF the world’s leading porn websites, has released loads of brand new data about how people aged 18-34 — AKA millenials –watch porn.

The website collaborated with Mic to bring new insights into how young people are consuming porn, what they’re watching and who’s watching.

And it’s all rather interesting.

1. Ireland has a younger porn audience than the worldwide average

pornhub Source: Pornhub Insights

In Ireland, 64% of Pornhub users are aged between 18-34 while 36% are aged 35%.

That means that Ireland has a younger porn audience than the global average, which stands at 60% aged between 18-34 and 40% aged over 35.

2. ‘Lesbian’, ‘teen’ and ‘step mom’ are the top three most searched for terms among younger porn viewers

Original Cinema Quad Poster - Movie Film Posters Source: Past Posters

Keeping it classy, guys.

3. And ‘lesbian’ and ‘big d**k’ are among the most watched categories

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Concise and to the point.

4. Young people watch most of their porn on their phones

phones Source: Flickr

60% of millenials watch porn on their phones, while the remaining 40% watch it on desktops or tablets.

Must have impressive 3G speeds, so.

5. Kim Kardashian is the most searched for porn star.

Kim Kardashian West on Instagram: Missed you @makeupbymario So happy we got to glam in NYC! I'm getting so excited for our master class July 25th Go sign up MarioandKim.com Source: Instagram

Her 2003 sex tape continues to be an enduring favourite.

6. Millenials prefer bigger arses to older porn users

This tomatoe makes me uncomfortable. #random #fresh #tomatoe #weird #lookslikeabutt #instagood #bored Source: leahninetysix

The data revealed that millenials are 69% (ay-oh!) more likely to search the term “big ass” than older porn users.

7. A higher proportion of younger women than older women watch porn…

Prime Day Source: Tim Goode

But only just.

24% of Pornhub’s users aged between 18-34 are women, while 21% of the older users are women. Both figures are quite low, so we’re going to assume some fibs are being told.

(h/t Mic)

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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