OVER ON REDDIT Ireland one user has posed the question:
The positives about living in Ireland, what are they?
The thread has generated a good deal of chat, as well as a comprehensive list of the good things our island has to offer, posted by Redditor No Woman No Fry.
The list includes:
- Lots of green fields and trees. Nice scenery
- A lot of hi-tech investment from software companies
- We can flush toilet paper
- Workforce is well educated
- Ability to get to the coastline in a sane amount of time
- Most people have a great sense of pride for our country
That last point is illustrated with this video:
Read the full list here.
It got us thinking what you think are the most positive things about living in Ireland?
Is it our commerce?..
Our history?..
Or this?
Let us know, what makes Ireland a positive place for YOU?