Dublin: 9 °C Sunday 23 March, 2025

This touching St Patrick's Day note is a beautiful random act of kindness


postr Source: Postsecret.com

EVERY SUNDAY THE Postsecret project reveals a selection of the secrets sent to it from all over the world.

This week’s batch featured a lovely and touching note received 11 years ago on St Patrick’s Day, which reads:

I wanted to wish you a Happy St Patrick’s Day. I noticed you sitting alone a few weeks ago and I wanted to make sure everything is alright. I saw you sitting alone and I felt like I should do something nice for you to show that someone cares.I don’t know your name or anything about you, but I thought I would make an effort to reach out. If you need someone to talk to I am willing to be there for you. You may just enjoy eating alone and that’s fine but if you need someone or anything just ask.

Please don’t be afraid to ask. My name is John and I eat lunch in Mr Parker’s room if you care to join. There is always room.

The message accompanying the note explained to Postsecret:

11 years ago, my senior year at high school, someone have me this at lunch. In the 13 years I spent sitting alone at lunchtime in school, it was the only time anyone ever asked me to join them. I never had the courage to speak to him, but it helped me realise that my life could be different and remains the nicest thing anyone has every done for me.


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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