POSTMEN AND WOMEN across this island continue to astonish everyone with the continued successful deliveries of bizarre and brilliant things.
And taking it to the next level was this special package – which made it all the way from Birmingham to Derry last weekend:
The spud was addressed to the Bradley family in Derry – and it was sent from auntie Edel in Birmingham to thank them for helping out with her recent wedding.
As Dad Dermot Bradley told BBC, it caused a bit of a commotion:
My 11-year-old son answered the door and he came in with his eyes as wide as saucers and he just stood there with the spud in his hands.
The postie told me that in 14 years, that was the most unusual delivery he ever made.
You see, Edel had a potato-themed wedding recently in England – and she thought that this was the only apt thank you note for the family.
Dermot and the potato have become quite the local celebrity
A spokesperson for the Royal Mail in Northern Ireland wasn’t as enthusiastic about the present, telling the BBC:
Unwrapped items of food that are perishable should not be sent in the post as they could damage other customers’ mail and our own machinery.
Still, even with the writing slightly smudged, they successfully pulled off the most stereotypically Irish delivery of all time. And for that they deserve kudos.