Dublin: 7 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

Discount bar selling £1 drinks to open in the UK

The pub is facing opposition from locals.

THE FIRST OF a chain of PoundPubs is set to open in the England next month, offering customers a drink for just £1.

The pubs will serve half a pint of lager for a pound, while a pint will set drinkers back £1.50,  making it the cheapest pub in the UK reports The Independent.

The company behind the venture isn’t opening new pubs per se, but rebranding existing venues with the new pricing structure. The first will replace a pub in Stockton-on-Tees in Co Durham.

According to the BBC the company behind PoundPub ‘Here For You Hospitality’ is also proposing a licensing change, which would mean the Stockton-on-Tees venue could serve alcohol from 8am in the morning.

Local newspaper The Northern Echo reports that local politicians have attempted to halt the rebranding of the town’s Georgia Brown’s pub, saying that it would portray a negative image of the town, whose centre is currently undergoing regeneration.

Alcohol awareness campaigners have also criticised the pub’s rebranding.

browns Source: Google Maps

The director of Here For You Hospitality Mike Wardell has said that he would be happy to meet with local representatives to discuss the plans. He has also said that a strict over-25s policy would be enforced, and that nobody deemed to be intoxicated would be served.

There are also plans for  a second PoundPub to open in Manchester next month.

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Watch: Irish video mocks the pressure to have a few cans with friends>

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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