ELLIE WARD AND her boyfriend Jack live in Essex in the UK and were Whatsapping each other on Sunday night - but it wasn’t exactly a standard conversation.
You see, Jack was playing a prank on her but she didn’t know it at the time – and the gag absolutely exploded on Twitter when Ellie put it up.
He started off with a startling accusation
The tension started to rise as Ellie didn’t know WHAT he was on about
Then Jack said he had a picture of Cheggy, surely he wasn’t going to present some outrageous evidence over Whatsapp?
But then Jack delivered the punch line
He’d played the long game on this one, but was it too far?
But Ellie saw the funny side, and since she put it on Twitter it’s been retweeted over 11,000 times
Scott Chegg has now taken over the internet
So cruel, but it features a decent level of punning as well.
Nobody knows what to think.