CHECKING IN ON trends from around the world can be a delightfully eye-opening experience.
So prepare yourself for the latest from Japan.
According to Fox in Australia and Buzzfeed there is now a legitimate trend where dog owners pretend to faint to see what their pooch does – whilst filming the reaction.
This Twitter video has over 120,000 retweets, and shows how it works
The little dog just keeps on strolling, probably aware that the owner is acting the shite
All the tweets from FOX and Buzzfeed can be translated from Japanese into this phrase: “reaction when the owner has fallen suddenly.”
Which seems to sum up the game
If you can’t see the video click here.
On further investigation, people do seem interested in their pets’ reactions
One of the tweets from Japan shows this little pup running to the aid of its owner
Good doggie
The coverage has even got people trying it for themselves
We are through the looking glass now.