1. Forest
Ideal for the person who can never put their phone down. You plant a seed in Forest, and a tree grows for as long as you have the app open. However, if someone slides into your DMs and it requires your immediate attention, your tree will wither away. :(
Avaialble on iOS and Android for €2.29.
2. Procraster
Users are given options like, “My task is too big,” “I don’t know where to start,” or “I’ve made a mistake,” and the app gives advice based on the answer. So if you chose “I don’t know where to start” as the reason you need help, the app will prompt you to break down the project and guide you to completion in an encouraging way.
Once you’re in the rhythm of using the app, you can check statistics for your personal productivity over time, so you can be fully in competition with yourself. A BUZZ.
Procraster is €2.29 and is available on iOS and Android.
3. Freedom
There’s loads of different versions of this app, all with the same premise – block the apps which you waste the most time on, for a certain period of time.
Freedom is available for free on iOS.
4. Timewaster Timer
This is hardcore – this desktop app charges you for every time you use Facebook.
Yep, you read that correctly - The app charges you a dollar, from an account you fund, every time you give in and peruse Facebook for too long. You’d be long putting a stop to the poking with this!
Timewaste Timer is free to use on the web.
5. Checky
Checky is a ‘phone habit tracker’, which basically means it counts how many times you use your phone on the daily.
It’s a good one if you’re looking to get your phone usgae in CHECK. Haha. Get it? Sorry.
Checky is available for free on iOS and Android.
6. Take A Five
If you find your eye and mind wandering as you sit at your desk, look no further.
On Take A Five, you pick your favourite website (let’s say, dailyedge.ie), you pick a time and after that time the tab explodes. Literally.
Take A Five is free on web.