PUTTING REGULAR MARRIAGE proposals to shame is something the internet loves to do, and this one is up there on the epic scale.
A man in Cronwall, England by the name of Mike Wakefield spent nearly two hours creating his masterpiece on the beach for his soon-to-be fiancee India this week. And it really is quite the proposal:
Speaking to the Cornish Guardian yesterday, India revealed that Mike isn’t exactly an experienced sand crafter:
Mike has loads of hidden talents. He has never done sand art before, but he can turn his hand to anything. I was shocked and I did have a tear in my eye. It was quite emotional.
I am so excited. We are definitely going to have a beach wedding.
After the proposal, it would be wrong not to stick to the theme.
The couple have since been interviewed by the BBC and are probably surprised by the attention the gesture is receiving.
The artwork washed away once the tide came in, but they’ll always have the pictures.